by ŚmierĆ


Swedish Band's ŚMIERĆ third album expands the boundaries of their framework of classic Polish hardcore in all directions, experimenting with mood, instrumentation, language and meaning to create a special album of, as the title translates to, Resistance. This VINYL is a co-release between Prank and Legendary Polish Label NIKT NIC NIE WIE, but the CD version is a European Import on NNNW.

In the spring of 2017 Smierc was formed in Stockholm out of a longing to play straight and melodic d-beat punk. With deep roots in the punk scene and with singer Ninka's particular interest in the Polish punk scene from the 80s and 90s, the band was created to blow up and distort feelings exponentially with each release.

The label Nikt Nic Nie Wie - the first Polish independent label that, since its inception in 1989, has had an immense impact on the distribution of punk music in Poland Naturally, Smierc's third album is also being released through them. For this release the label has collaborated with San Francisco-based Prank Records, a label that has been releasing Japanese and European punk for nearly 30 years and has actively supported the DIY culture that is so important to the punk scene.

Smier's third album is titled Opór; a word that translates to 'resistance.
The listener is taken on a journey that begins in a collective grief.
This sorrow often grows into a murmur; a slow, subdued mumble. A murmur that increases into higher voices. Voices that become a collective roar, turning into a resistance that demands the outside world to stop and to take notice.

The music and the now multilingual lyrics have been woven together in an attempt to create a stream of consciousness. Here we begin by collectively cleaning the walls from the latest kitchen fight. We go through the injustices of the world, question ourselves, confront our past, honor those who came before us and perhaps, just perhaps, we can cautiously approach a common future.

The album was recorded and mixed at The Dustward together with Stefan Brändström in the spring of 2024. To highlight the global aspect of punk's DIY culture and simply just because it's a lot of fun singers from several corners of the world were invited to contribute to some tracks. In the song Uffe, we hear among others Patrik Arve aka Swedish Tiger from the Swedish band Teddybears Sthlm.

Check out the video for "Uffe" Here:

Check out the video for "Kto" Here:

Check it out:
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